Rehabilitation of 136,712 LF of CIPP liner ranging from 6-in. to 48 in. diameter, including cleaning and CCTV. Approximately 89,390 LF was 8-in to 18-in. diameter. Liner installation primarily in Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs), usually accessed via residential neighborhoods. Light clean/CCTV of 43,321 LF
8-in. to 18-in. dia. sanitary sewers; heavy cleaning of 7240 LF of sanitary sewer. Included 230 LF of 8-in. to 18-in. dia. mainline pipe bursting; pipe joint sealing; point repairs, spot repairs, and excavated pipeline replacement 585 GAL Chemical grouting; cleaning, reinstating, trimming, or structural connections to service laterals; Replace 36 manhole frame & covers (24-in to 36-in. dia., riser and grade adjustments, 378 VF various manhole linings & structural repairs; Bypass pumping greater than 1.5, less than 10 MGD; Installed, managed, and restored approximately 23,940 LF silt fence and super silt fence and related Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) devices, 1750 LF sandbag dikes, 70 stone outlet structures, 30,000 SY straw mat and soil reinforcement matting for access, work area, and public trail accommodation Maintenance of traffic (MOT); contractor-led public outreach/notifications for lining installation.
Not only working in an ESA environment but also steep slopes and affluent stakeholders in Tacoma Park
Coordination with all stakeholders, including MNCPCC, Tacoma Park Forestry dept., and Maryland SHAs
MOT and work in tight quarters
Heavy coordination with access contractor, lining superintendent, stream restoration contractor, and our WSSC representative via weekly meetings
Coordination/agreement between stakeholders required many meetings with all parties in attendance because none of them could agree independently.
Tacoma Park is a historic area constructed in the 1700’ with very tight roads and blind spots